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Articles, Videos & Pictures under ganesh chaturthi tag

Flower Theme Decoration Ideas for Ganpati to Be Close to Nature

If you are a nature lover, and can spend hours gardening or reading about flowers and plants, try to incorporate that at Ganesh Chaturthi this year. So, try to make floral decorations cool for decorating your homes.

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Demonetization Ganpati Decoration Theme

Welcoming Demonetization With Ganesh Chaturthi Home Decoration – If you are from India, then you might have heard of the word, “Demonetization” that created a big ruffle last year in the country. This was the time when the governments had called back all the five hundred and thousand rupee notes and banned it altogether. This was a scare for those who had hoarded black money or unaccounted money in homes and other places. This was also the time, when the government had rolled out the beautiful purple-pink Rs. 2000 notes and the small green five hundred rupee notes too. Using this idea, you might make a Ganesh Chaturthi decoration for your home as well.

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Why is Ganesh Chaturthi So Famous Around the World?

We Indians, have this tendency or inclination to take our culture and heritage very seriously. Wherever we go, and whichever country we visit, we simply cannot ignore the fact that we take a slice of our heritage there.

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या वर्षी गणेश चतुर्थीला पोकेमॉंन गो ला भेटा

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या वर्षी गणेश चतुर्थीला थोडेच दिवस राहिले आहेत आणि त्यामुळे तुम्हाला नवीन थीमचा विचार करण्यासाठी खूप कमी दिवस आहेत. तुम्ही काही थीम्स इतक्या वेळा वापरल्या आहेत की आता तुम्ही मोजणं सोडून दिले आहे. मागच्या वर्षीची पेंढा झोपडी छान होती आणि त्याच्या आधीच्या वर्षी तुम्ही प्रभु विघ्न विनायकासाठी तुमच्या घरात एका बागेचा देखावा बनविला होता!

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Ganesh Chaturthi Meets Pokemon Go this Year!

हा लेख मराठी भाषेत वाचा

This year, Ganesh Chaturthi is just a few days away and that leaves you with very less time to think of a new theme. You have already done and dusted few themes so many times that you have lost count. That straw hut concept was fine last year, and the year before that you had done the theme of recreating a scene of a park in your home for Lord Vigna Vinayaka!

But this year, if your son, daughter or niece or any other person in the family is spending a way too much time in playing the Pokemon Go in his Android or iPhone, then why not recreate Pokemon Go for the theme?

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Rituals and significance of Ganesh Chaturthi

My favorite festival since childhood was always Ganesh Chaturthi. I loved the vibrancy it created in city of Mumbai. I realized that I didn’t know the rituals behind the puja and hence decided to speak to elders and Pandits to know their significance and order in which they are performed. I have tried to list the rituals below in a very simple manner for all our readers.

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Magnificent Ganpati Pandals of Pune

When that time of year comes again, the city is engulfed in Vedic hymns and chants to welcome Lord Ganpati. The time we talk about is the occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi, celebrating the birth of Ganesh, the elephant-headed lord. Cultures and customs, languages and distances become very narrow, when the praise of lord is sung with heartfelt devotion.

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Top 5 Sarvajanik Ganesh Raja in India – Must visit locations for the devotees

Ganesh Chathurthi is one of the most vibrant and garishly celebrated festivals of India. Commencing from Shukla Chaturthi in the month of bhadrapada, the festival concludes on Ananta Chaturdashi. Ecstasy and enthusiasm are the core essence of this festival, which is the prime reason this holy festival is celebrated throughout India.

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Ganpati Festival in Mumbai

The defined beauty of Mumbai lies in the Ganesha Utsav. It is considered to be a spectacular festival in honor of Lord Ganesha. Another name for this festival and birthday of Ganesha is Ganesh Chaturthi. This Utsav is a ten day celebration which calls along with it, the pure blessing of God for his devotees.

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Beauty of Ganesh Decorations at Home

On the occasion of the birth Day of Lord Ganesha special arrangements are made in order to celebrate the Ganesh festival with full enthusiasm. Especially in Mumbai you find that people have exceptional interest for Ganesh decorations. This auspicious festival is popularly known as Ganesh Chaturthi.

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Ganpati Decorations and the Decked up Pandals

With Ganpati festivities on and in full swing, Ganpati Decoration at home is the notable thing keeping the family members bound together with orison, love and mutual engagement. Ganpati though celebrated across the length and breadth of India by all Hindus, is exuberantly celebrated in the state of Maharashtra, where the zest and spirit is un-matched.

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Festival of Ganesh, Ganesh Chaturthi

India is a religious land where Lord Ganesh holds his special place of devotion. People worship Lord Ganesh prior to planning or initiating anything new. He is the lord of good fortune, wisdom and prosperity.

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